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Wiley Miller

Freeskier  Image
Hometown Billings, Montana
Current Town Bozeman, Montana
Instagram @wileymiller

Skiing has been at the forefront of Wiley’s life since he was a child. Growing up in the mountains of Montana gave him a unique perspective and appreciation for winter recreation away from the distractions of urban living. The well-being offered through time in the mountains keeps him committed to the snow year after year. In the winter, producing video parts, short films and web series, as well as commitments to ski design with ski sponsor RMU, keep him busy. In the off-season he works as a commercial pilot.

Which of Stio's values personally align to you?

Stio's commitment to spread awareness about the sensitive state of the environment and protecting these places we all love.

How do you create balance in your daily life?

Activity balanced with time to rest. My routine is rounded out during a two-week period rather than day to day. I find the ability to chart my course as I go a more successful plan, rather than having a daily ritual.

What is a bucket list activity you have yet to do or a place that you have yet to go?

The South Pacific to surf!

What is your go-to workout music?

Tame Impala

What is a piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to pursue a life of mountain sports and adventures?

Creating success at anything in life requires hard work and commitment. Success and safety in the mountains come from that same discipline and focus. Have fun, be a good partner to someone out there. Set goals and go for it!