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Adventure Inspiration from the Stio Archives

By Stio Mountain on
 Stio Spring 2020 Let The Outside In Content Round Up Adventure Inspiration from the Stio Archives

In our present reality, it's important to remind ourselves of the potential for future adventures while taking mental breaks from the uncertainty of the unknown. Embrace the pace with this collection of inspirational stories from the Stio archives. We will move this mountain together.


Through The Breaks - Jason Cajune lives in Livingston, MT where he designs and builds wooden drift boats alongside his family. Last summer, Jason packed up one of his custom boats and led his family on a float trip down the Missouri River, through the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument to American Prairie Reserve. Their trip serves as a journey through family traditions, a protected landscape and layers of history over time.

The Ranger - In mountain towns across the country there are stories of legends, past and present, that run through the peaks and valleys of the community. These people inspire the lives of many and create a lasting impact on the local culture. Tom Raymer of the Jackson Hole Ski Patrol was one of those people and Stio’s Raymer jacket is named to honor his legacy. Join us in supporting the Raymer family and the Jackson Hole Ski Patrol by contributing to the Jackson Hole Ski Patrol Memorial Scholarship Fund at -

LATITUDE - Is a poetic short documentary film that follows four daring young women to the 79th parallel, under 700 miles from the North Pole to rediscover themselves amidst Svalbard's epic arctic ocean sailing, ice mountain climbs, and ski descents.

Searching For Singletrack - Inspired to explore the backroads of America, Eric and Donna loaded their mountain bikes, packed the car and put the Colorado Rockies in the rear view.

The Endless Wave - Landlocked mountain towns aren’t always known for their water culture. But for San Diego native and Montana transplant Jack Christiansen, the waterways of the Rockies present the perfect opportunity to reimagine the sport he grew up learning to love: surfing. From ocean break to river wave, Jack’s spirit and passion for surfing creates brand new possibilities for play in the mountains.

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