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Flirting With Time: Spring Episodes

By Stio Mountain on
 Flirting With Time: Spring Episodes

Jobs sustain the mountain life, but once that “Open” sign turns to “Closed,” the time is ours. Flirting With Time celebrates the early alarms we set and headlamp batteries we burn out to keep up with the mountain pursuits we love, even with a 9-5 routine. In the end, it’s not about maxing out your schedule, but getting the most out of every minute.

Videos by Jill Garreffi


No matter how short the lunch break, lacing up the shoes for a daily dose of sun, sweat and pushing the pace provides that essential reset before ticking off the rest of the day’s agenda.


Matching strokes to the seconds ticking down until the start of the next shift brings calm and clarity ahead of the work day hustle.

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