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The Return, A Short Film about the Yellowstone Cutthroat

By Stio Mountain on
 The Return, A Short Film about the Yellowstone Cutthroat

Field Guide Chapter 5

Trout Unlimited and Stio are proud to present the trailer for The Return, a film by KGB Productions

Dave Sweet has spent over a decade helping to bring back the Yellowstone Cutthroat from the brink of extinction. Along with his daughter, Diana, a fisheries biologist, he will travel into the infamous Thorofare area of Yellowstone, the most remote wilderness in the lower 48, to see if his efforts have been successful and if the trout has returned to its native spawning runs.

The trek in is two days on horseback through some of the most rugged terrain in the west. Not to mention the highest concentration of grizzly bears outside Alaska, combined with extreme weather and unrelenting mosquitoes among other challenges. Working with multiple environmental groups and government agencies, Dave has spearheaded the fight to save this native species which is said to impact over 40 other species in Yellowstone's pristine ecosystem. Once there, he will get to witness first hand if these native fish have returned.

Catch the full film live as part of the 2019 Fly Fishing Film Tour.

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