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Stio Product Care: Fleece

Superior performance, comfort, and versatility are just a few of the reasons why fleece layers are in our daily rotation for nine months a year. Here are a few tips to keep your fleece layers fresh and ensure they last for years to come.

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When it comes to outdoor gear, fleece is the undisputed champion for any mountain escapade. This lightweight wonder is not only warm and cozy—especially modern versions with technology like Polartec® Power Stretch™—but it’s also tough, breathable, and dries faster than you can say "soggy socks." Plus, it magically wicks away sweat, keeping you comfy and cool no matter how intense your adventure gets.

Whether you simply love the snug warmth of fleece or you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast familiar with the art of layering, you'll appreciate its incredible versatility. Either as a midlayer or outer layer, fleece is the ultimate companion for chilly mountain weather activities, including skiing, hiking, trail running, and more.

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Why Caring for Your Fleece Matters: A Closer Look

Crafted from synthetic polyester fibers, fleece is a versatile fabric that provides year-round comfort, but it also requires careful washing to maintain its softness and to avoid shrinkage, pilling and stiffness. 

Although we go above and beyond to carefully select premium fleece fabrics and subject them to tumble treatments that minimize breakdown, it's important to note that some shedding is inevitable with the natural construction of fleece. 

However, with the right care, your fleece gear will stay stylish and perform for years. So let’s dive into the best way to wash fleece and other must-know maintenance tips to keep your favorite fabric ready for the adventures ahead!

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When Should You Wash Your Fleece? Expert Advice and Guidelines

It’s quite simple–hit the smell check! When you or someone else begins to notice lingering smells, it's time to wash that fleece. 

Fleece is a synthetic insulating fabric typically crafted from polyester and is adept at holding onto odors. This is due to polyester's non-polar nature, which repels water while attracting oils from the skin, allowing smells from weekend adventures to linger. Put simply, polyester tends to attract and retain odor-causing bacteria more than cotton does, requiring more frequent care.

Becoming a Fleece-Washing Expert: A Step-by-Step Guide

Always check the care label for specific washing instructions, but most fleece can be machine washed. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Turn your fleece pieces inside out to help prevent pilling, which occurs when small areas of thread loosen and form tiny fuzzy balls.
  2. Avoid washing fleece with items that have zippers or Velcro, as they can cause pilling.
  3. Wash multiple fleece jackets together if possible. If not, wash with lint-free clothing to avoid difficult lint removal. 
  4. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener.
  5. Opt for a gentle, mild detergent, such as Nikwax.
  6. Machine wash on a gentle cycle with cold water to prevent damage and maintain color.
  7. It's best to use a front-loading washing machine with a hand wash or delicate setting. This helps reduce friction, which can cause small tears or pilling in the material.
How to Dry Your Fleece

Remember, deciphering care labels might feel like cracking a secret code, but it's always worth it. When it comes to fleece, there’s one simple rule for drying: air-drying reigns supreme for keeping your garments in good condition. 

We suggest hang drying your fleece, but if that's not possible, ensure the garment lies completely flat while drying to maintain its structural integrity.

And here's a twist: to keep your fleece in tip-top, cozy condition, ditch the fabric softener. It might seem counterintuitive, but trust us, your fleece will thank you for preserving its moisture-wicking magic.

Following these tips will help preserve the quality of your fleece and prevent lingering smells from your outdoor adventures when you arrive at the dinner party after a day in the mountains. Much like the rest of your gear, taking good care of your fleece is key to maintaining its functionality and preserving its heat retention, comfort and soft, fluffy texture. Beyond these aesthetic and functional benefits, proper care will also extend the lifespan of your beloved fleece jacket, keeping you on the trail longer!

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