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Natural Perspectives: Inspired By Nature's Perfect Design

By Stio Mountain on
 Natural Perspectives: Inspired By Nature's Perfect Design

At Stio, we’ve always been inspired by our environment. We started our brand here, in the Tetons, because we craved a daily connection to nature and the uplift it brought to our lives. We needed to see mountains, access trailheads and hear spring creeks daily to feed our souls and keep us grounded. The whitebark pinecone became our logo because it stands for two principles we believe in — naturally inspired design and a strong conservation ethic. This one species reflected our values, resonated with meaning from within our own backyard and became a true north for how we built our brand.

As a keystone species of the Northern Rockies, the whitebark pine is not just a longtime local. For us, it’s more than just a symbol or a cause — but an expression of thinking in terms of greater ecosystems, a mindset that is emblematic of how we strive to design our gear and build our community. Nature still fuels our efforts to seek function, to think creatively and to emulate its vibrant style. It guides our practices toward greater responsibility and sustainability — to give back to what gives to us. This season we underscore that connection with a focus on the small inspirations, but big influence, of our collective and creative Natural Perspectives at Stio.

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Natural Perspectives: Courtney Cedarholm

The creative force behind Stio’s vibrant color palette, Cedarholm also passionately advocates for lifecycle design, intentional function and exquisite constructive detail in her fundamental role of shaping a designer’s vision into final polished form.

Natural Perspectives: Brendan Levine

A designer’s eye is hard to quantify, but for Stio’s longtime senior art director Brendan Levine, it all starts with getting outside.

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Natural Perspectives: Sandy Flint

Stio Materials Manager and Stewardship co-chair shares how he blends art and science while translating the inspiration he finds between put-in and takeout into his work for Stio.

Natural Perspectives: Kelly Hill

For Stio Chief Product Officer, Kelly Hill, it’s both natural moments and careful observation that provides clarity and insight into evolutions, innovations and adaptations of our products.

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