A short film directed by Iz La Motte & Sara Beam Robbins. Devin Logan and Caroline Claire, both from Long Island, are U.S. Olympic team members and skiing soulmates. Join them as they take the next bold step in their illustrious careers: Big lines, raw honesty, and camaraderie that stretches from the half pipe to the backcountry.Find A Screening
Following a passion for winter to deeper connections and awe-inspiring places.
Snow | 6 MIN
Buddha Baker and the Trails of Vertical Enlightenment
What secret fervor propels Robert "Buddha" Baker, one of the all-time vertical leaders of Jackson Hole, to rack up nearly 5 million vertical feet, season after season? Fellow local legend Stio Ambassador Jeff Leger caught up with him to find out—ski bum to ski bum.Read Article
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